Draft (Checking) Account

- No monthly service charge/no minimum balance, nor per-check charge.
- Overdraft protection is available from regular shares.
- Debit/ATM Card looks like a credit card, but works like a check. The maximum cash withdrawal from an ATM per 24 hour period is
Courtesy Pay
A service that allows us to cover a check written on your checking account even if it causes the account to become overdrawn. Courtesy
Pay may provide certain accountholders in “good standing” with the ability to overdraw their personal checking account up to $500.00. Ask
how you can become eligible.
A $30 fee will be assessed for each item that draws your account negative.
Personalized Checks
See MainStreet catalog of check designs in our office. For easy reordering, click the link below:
Share (Savings) Account
A $25 balance is required for Credit Union membership in this account. Dividends are calculated on your daily balance and paid monthly.
This account can be used for overdraft protection for your share draft checking account.
Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
Roth (Share Account and Certificates of Deposit available)
The Roth IRA allows you to pay taxes now and never pay again on this deposit. You can invest up to $5,000 annually after taxes and your money accumulates tax-free. Withdrawals can be made tax-free and penalty-free after five years and age 59 1/2.
Traditional (Share Account and Certificates of Deposit available)
Deductible IRAs allow you to get a tax deduction now and defer taxes until you spend your IRA. Nondeductible IRAs allow you to deposit already taxed dollars up to $5,000 annually and defer taxes on the income until you withdraw money.
Special Accounts
Christmas Club Account
This account can be opened anytime throughout the year. Dividends are calculated on your daily balance and are posted monthly. Funds
are available the beginning of October with no fees assessed for withdrawal until December 31.
Vacation Account
Can be used for any purpose, a split can help accumulate funds for special purchases.
Ask how we can set that up for you.